Azad Jammu & Kashmir Diaspora Urged to Play Constructive Role

Sat Dec 24 2022
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News Desk

MIRPUR: Former member of the European Parliament, Dr. Sajjad Haider Karim, here on Saturday, emphasized the need for the performance of a constructive role by the European Union, Britain-based Pakistani, and Kashmiri diaspora community to promote the need for early peaceful settlement of the Kashmir issue in the Western world.

Haider was talking to journalists at a grand reception hosted by Deputy Inspector General of Police Azad Jammu & Kashmir Khalid Mahmood Chauhan in his honor at a hotel here.

Power of Azad Jammu & Kashmir Diaspora 

Haider said that the diaspora community of Jammu & Kashmir could significantly highlight the urgent need for early peaceful settlement of Kashmir issue in line with the aspirations of the people of Jammu & Kashmir state, the basic stakeholders in the Kashmir conflict.

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