Azerbaijan Celebrates Victory Day: 3 Years Since the Liberation of Occupied Territories

Wed Nov 08 2023
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By: Naveed Miraj and Shahid Qureshi 

ISLAMABAD: November 8 marks a significant and celebrated day in the Republic of Azerbaijan – Victory Day. It is a day of deep reflection and gratitude, commemorating the momentous events that took place three years ago when Azerbaijan liberated its territories from Armenian occupation and restored its territorial integrity.

“For nearly three decades, Armenia held 20% of Azerbaijani territories under occupation, a situation characterized by suffering and strife,” said Khazar Farhadov, Ambassador of Azerbaijan to Pakistan, “The occupation was marred by a series of war crimes committed by Armenia, including the infamous Khojaly Genocide in 1992, in which 613 innocent civilians, including 106 women and 63 children, lost their lives. The Armenian forces also carried out ethnic cleansing campaigns, forcibly expelling all Azerbaijanis from the occupied territories.”

“The international community was not silent in the face of this injustice. In 1993, the United Nations Security Council adopted four resolutions, unanimously demanding the immediate and unconditional withdrawal of Armenian troops from Azerbaijani territory. Multiple other international organizations, including the Organization of Islamic Cooperation, Non-Alignment Movement, OSCE, Parliamentary Assembly of the Council of Europe, and the European Parliament, also adopted similar decisions and resolutions. Yet, Armenia chose to defy these calls for justice and the restoration of sovereignty,” stated the ambassador.

Azerbaijan Celebrates Victory Day 3 Years Since the Liberation of Occupied Territories 1

Addressing a ceremony in connection with “Victory Day” of the Republic of Azerbaijan in Islamabad

Information Minister Murtaza Solangi said, “ the two countries have long established brotherly and multilateral relations, which are getting stronger through increased economic cooperation and people-to-people contacts.

Information Minister stated  that bilateral trade between Pakistan and Azerbaijan has increased in recent years and is expected to increase in the near future.

Murtaza Solangi also congratulated the Government and people of Azerbaijan on its Victory Day on behalf of the Prime Minister Anwaar-ul-Haq Kakar, the Government of Pakistan and the people of Pakistan.

The background of the conflict between Azerbaijan  and Armenia had the former diligently pursued peaceful negotiations to resolve the Nagorno-Karabakh conflict, but Armenia consistently ignored these efforts, opting to maintain the status quo. Armenia, during the years of occupation, frequently engaged in military provocations, further destabilizing the region.

In 2020, Azerbaijan took a resolute step by launching a counter-offensive in response to Armenia’s large-scale military attack on Azerbaijani Army positions and civilian settlements. In just 44 days, under the resolute leadership of President Ilham Aliyev, the Armed Forces of Azerbaijan succeeded in liberating its territories from Armenian occupation. This act represented the implementation of UN Security Council resolutions by Azerbaijan itself, reclaiming lands that had been occupied for nearly three decades.

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The impact of the occupation on Azerbaijani cities and villages was devastating. Cultural and religious monuments were destroyed, mosques were desecrated, and even turned into pigsties. Across Azerbaijani territory, hundreds of thousands of mines and booby traps were planted, posing an ongoing threat to the population.

Importantly, throughout this challenging period, Azerbaijan maintained its commitment to protecting civilians and civilian infrastructure, upholding the principles of proportionality and distinction in its military actions.

Even after the war had ended, Armenia continued to engage in military provocations, resulting in the loss of civilian lives and military personnel in the newly liberated territories of Azerbaijan. In response, the Azerbaijani Army initiated local anti-terrorist operations to ensure the provisions of the Joint Trilateral Statement signed on November 10, 2020, which aimed to prevent large-scale provocations and neutralize the military infrastructure left behind by Armenian forces.

Azerbaijan, seeking a path towards peace, proposed a peace agreement to Armenia immediately after liberation. This proposal extended the right for 300,000 Azerbaijanis to return to their historical homeland in present-day Armenia. Additionally, Azerbaijan established a special reintegration portal for Armenian residents living in the Karabakh economic region of the Republic of Azerbaijan.

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Since the liberation, Azerbaijan has embarked on an extensive reconstruction and restoration effort in the formerly occupied regions. Over seven billion US dollars have been allocated for this purpose so far, with an additional 2.4 billion US dollars earmarked for 2024. The Great Return, initiated by the Azerbaijani Government, has already begun as former Azerbaijani IDPs return to regions such as Fuzuli, Zangilan, and Lachin. A significant number of people, over 140,000, are expected to return to Karabakh and East Zangezur by the end of 2026.

Furthermore, Azerbaijan has made substantial progress in terms of infrastructure development, including the construction of international airports in Fuzuli and Zangilan, with Lachin International Airport currently in progress.

During the years of occupation and the 44-day Patriotic War, Pakistan, as a staunch ally and brotherly nation, provided steadfast moral and diplomatic support to Azerbaijan. The people of Azerbaijan, in gratitude for Pakistan’s unwavering support, can often be seen waving the Pakistani flag alongside the Azerbaijani and Turkish flags as a symbol of respect and appreciation for their Pakistani brothers and sisters.



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