Azerbaijan President Calls for Immediate End to Gaza Crisis

Sun Jun 09 2024
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CAIRO, Egypt: Azerbaijan President Ilham Aliyev has called for an urgent end to the crisis in Gaza and the establishment of an independent Palestinian state with East Jerusalem as its capital.

Speaking at a news conference in Cairo after a meeting with Egyptian President Abdel Fattah Al-Sisi, Aliyev emphasized Azerbaijan’s clear stance on the issue.

He stated, “An independent Palestinian state should be established and East Jerusalem should be its capital. The conflict must end, the catastrophe in Gaza must come to an immediate end, and all issues must be settled via dialogue.”

President Al-Sisi echoed Aliyev’s sentiments, highlighting that the Palestinian issue was a primary focus of their discussions. He reiterated Egypt’s commitment to facilitating humanitarian aid to Gaza and achieving a ceasefire. Al-Sisi underscored that the situation in Gaza remains the region’s most pressing issue and emphasized Egypt’s ongoing efforts to address the humanitarian crisis.

During their meeting, Aliyev and Al-Sisi also explored ways to strengthen bilateral cooperation across various fields and ensure political coordination on regional and international matters. The leaders signed several agreements aimed at enhancing collaboration between Azerbaijan and Egypt.

The backdrop to these discussions is the continued Israeli offensive on Gaza, which has persisted since October 7, despite a UN Security Council resolution demanding an immediate ceasefire. According to local health authorities, the conflict has resulted in the deaths of over 36,800 Palestinians, mostly women and children, and has left more than 83,600 others injured. The ongoing blockade has devastated Gaza, leaving vast areas in ruins and its population suffering from severe shortages of food, clean water, and medicine.

Israel is accused of genocide at the International Court of Justice. The court’s latest ruling demands that Tel Aviv halt its operations in Rafah, a southern city where over a million Palestinians have sought refuge. The international community continues to call for a resolution to the conflict and a peaceful settlement that ensures the rights and safety of the Palestinian people.

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