Azerbaijan, Tajikistan Ink Declaration on Strategic Partnership

Thu May 23 2024
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BAKU: Azerbaijan and Tajikistan on Thursday inked a declaration on strategic partnership.

The declaration was signed by Tajik President Emomali Rahmon and Azerbaijani President Ilham Aliyev during a ceremony in Baku, Azerbaijan. The ceremony also saw the signing of 6 other documents on expanding cooperation in fields such as digital trade and migration, according to the Azerbaijani presidency.

The ceremony was preceded by talks between the two presidents at a narrow and expanded level, during which Aliyev said that their meetings are of a “regular nature.”

He said that today we have continued our consultations and discussions on many important matters of the bilateral agenda, as well as global and regional affairs. It is clear that state visits have a special status, demonstrating the high level of ties between us.

Azerbaijan, Tajikistan Cooperation

Expressing that ties between Azerbaijan and Tajikistan have long been of a strategic partnership nature, Aliyev said they aim to develop active cooperation between both nations in all areas.

Aliyev also argued that he thinks it will be useful to join their efforts and coordinate with regard to the transport field due to the increasing popularity of the Trans-Caspian International Transport Route in Europe and Central Asia.

For his part, Tajik President Rahmon expressed confidence that the results of their meetings will elevate bilateral cooperation to a “new level of development.”

He said that today, we will make a historic decision that will raise our interstate relations to the level of strategic partnership.

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