Balochistan Home Minister Calls for Global Action Against India’s War Crimes

Thu Jun 27 2024
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ISLAMABAD: Home Minister Balochistan Mir Zia Lango on Thursday urged the international community, especially the United Nations (UN), to take practical steps against India’s continued war crimes and rescue humanity from destruction. He accused India of being involved in all terrorist activities in Pakistan.

Speaking to a news channel, Lango reaffirmed his commitment that Pakistan’s soil would not be used against any other country. He called on the world to acknowledge Pakistan’s role in the fight against terrorism, highlighting the many precious lives lost in this battle.

Lango praised Pakistan’s brave security forces for their sacrifices in the pursuit of peace, pointing out that those disturbing the peace of Balochistan have the backing of foreign countries. He emphasized that Pakistan has never sought to engage in an arms race and has always aimed to foster peace and stability in the region.

The minister reiterated Pakistan’s commitment to ensuring that no area of the country would be used to export terrorism. He assured that the government and security forces are fully committed to continuing intelligence-based operations to bring the war against terror to its logical end.

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