Balochistan, a region marred with historical and geopolitical complexities, has once again become a flashpoint for violence and conflict. A malicious wave of violence was unleashed supposedly on the anniversary of Nawab Akbar Bugti’s death. These heinous acts of terror served as stark reminder of serious issues plaguing Balochistan. The banned BLA and the Majeed Brigade took responsibility for this heinous violence, reinforcing their image as enemies of peace in the region.
This attack serves as a blunt illustration of the complex dynamics at play, where so called political grievances have morphed into violent extremism. While the scale of the operation, on one side, explains capacity building issues of security apparatus on ground, it also manifests the volume of foreign support these terrorist outfits enjoy to foment chaos and pose stumbling blocks for development in the province.
Besides a host of nefarious objective, these terror groups are hell bent on disrupting China’s possible role in connection with China-Pakistan Economic Corridor (CPEC). Gwadar being the exit point of CPEC has always remained target of terrorism. This explicit targeting of China-Pakistan mutual point of interest speaks volumes of greater designs of our adversary. This greater design does not encompass separatist tendencies but goes even beyond such assertions. It is not a forlorn assertion that these acts of terrorism are aimed at discrediting China’s interests in the region and Pakistan is a target by default. These foreign sponsored acts have serious implications for Pakistan’s strategic cooperation with its time-tested friend China. While evaluating these localized attacks, one must not lose sight on greater designs of this milieu. Another factor which is observed during this recent surge of terror is targeting of innocent civilians. Baloch separatists, who are supported by a well-orchestrated social media apparatus are cognizant of the fact that such heinous crimes against unarmed civilians will cast them an overwhelming discredit by all segments of Pakistani society.
Now the question arises that while knowing cons attached to such acts, why they still opted to commit such an act? The answer is too simple. Over a period of time, Pakistan’s security forces have developed a comprehensive mechanism which obviates their vulnerabilities. These professionally adopted safeguards have frustrated these terrorist groups to target civilians even at the cost of their image among their sympathizers in the country and abroad. However, to achieve this, our security forces have to pay a massive price with their perpetual sacrifices for the lasting peace in Balochistan.
In a greater enterprise, these terror outfits are politically sympathized by few nationalist political forces on one hand and on the other organizations like Baloch Yakjehti Committee (BYC) and Voice for Baloch Missing Persons (VBMP) are overt political facade of these outfits. To supplement narratives fomented by separatists, these organizations along with their allies in the form of few media persons and human rights organizations profess issue of enforced disappearances and These elements are an essential and substantial source of aligned fodder for social media platforms which are ardent supporters of groups like BLA and BLF etcetera.
So-called Flimsy Rhetoric of Deprivation
Recent past id replete with such narratives which were maliciously developed to discredit and malign State of Pakistan and its security institutions. Ironically, India was found as a harbinger of such campaigns. As an aftermath to recent terror attacks, another rhetoric emerged regarding flawed democracy in Balochistan. The elected representatives are disregarded by declaring them “imposed’ by security establishment. This is again an extension of greater agenda to discredit political leadership of the province. Unfortunately, a discredited mainstream political party is also supporting such assertions for vested political mileage disregarding their own stint with similar accusations and challenges. Such narratives are nothing more than questioning our security forces who are making all possible efforts to eradicate the menace of terrorism from the country. Pakistan Army’s contributions in socio economic development of Balochistan is an unprecedented feat and merits compatible recognition.
Geopolitics, terrorism, and human rights are intricately intertwined in the present conflict in Balochistan. It serves as a heartbreaking reminder of the mayhem and murder that may result from opposing ideas and agendas. Pakistan’s state must take a multipronged strategy as it continues to struggle with these issues. This entails bolstering security protocols, improving the legal system’s ability to handle instances involving terrorism, and attending to the justifiable complaints of the Baloch people. Simultaneously, a determined effort must be made to dispel and refute the myths that use human rights as a cover for terrorism. It is necessary to draw attention to certain activists’ silence and some human rights organizations’ cooperation. In Balochistan, the war against terrorism is a struggle for the nation’s soul as much as for land and resources. It is a battle to make sure that the forces of destruction and hatred are subdued by the values of justice, humanity, and peace.