Beijing Says Washington Targeting of AI not Helpful to Healthy Development

Tue Jul 02 2024
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NEW YORK: Chinese UN Ambassador Fu Cong has said that US targeting of certain investments in artificial intelligence (AI) in China is not helpful to the “healthy development” of AI technology.

Earlier, the US issued draft rules for banning of certain investments in AI and other technology fields in China that could threaten American national security. Fu Cong said that they are opposed to these sanctions. His statement comes following the UNGA adopted by consensus a Chinese-drafted resolution aimed at boosting global cooperation on AI.

The resolution calls upon the world to “provide and promote a fair, inclusive, open, and non-discriminatory business atmosphere across the life cycle of safe, secure and trustworthy AI systems.

Fu stated that the US actions do not foster an inclusive business atmosphere and he urged Washington to reverse its decision over the matter.

The US Treasury Department has published the proposed rules following US President Joe Biden inked an executive order last August as part of a broader push to stop US know-how from helping the Chinese to develop sophisticated technology and dominate markets.

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