Beware of Online Shopping Scams: Buyers Fall Victim to Fake Websites

Fri Dec 08 2023
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ISLAMABAD: The proliferation of online shopping websites and social media platforms has brought convenience to citizens, enabling them to access various products with just a few clicks. However, the risks associated with online shopping persist, especially when dealing with costly items through unregistered platforms lacking regulatory oversight.

Numerous online shopping websites and social media platforms, including WhatsApp groups, Instagram, and Facebook pages, operate in the country, providing a wide array of goods. While some are credible and associated with known brands, a significant number are fraudulent, creating fake websites and pages in the names of reputable brands to deceive buyers.

Buyers on these fake platforms are often prompted to make online payments via credit cards, and upon delivery, the received items are substandard, replicas, or copies of the original brands. In many cases, the carriers collect the agreed amount before revealing the contents, leaving buyers disappointed with their purchases.

Individuals have shared their experiences of receiving products contrary to what was ordered, with poor quality fabric and inaccurate details. The perpetrators behind these scams use exact names and logos of famous brands, making it challenging for buyers to differentiate between genuine and fake items.

Despite the convenience of online shopping, instances of fraud have led some buyers to abandon this method and return to physical stores. However, this response is not a solution but an acknowledgment of the challenges posed by fraudulent online platforms.

Victims of online shopping scams recount the difficulties they face in seeking recourse. Complaints to fake phone numbers, unresponsive Facebook pages, and restrictions on leaving comments or reviews on these platforms further complicate the situation. Buyers express the need for strict actions by authorities against these swindlers.

While some buyers have managed to recover their money through persistent efforts, others face hurdles in obtaining cash refunds. Some e-commerce platforms offer refunds in the form of internal wallets, restricting buyers to purchase other items of the same value, leaving them dissatisfied.

An Information Technology expert suggests that buyers exercise caution, especially on local websites, by thoroughly examining reviews and avoiding credit card payments. The Electronic Transactions Ordinance of 2002 governs electronic transactions in the country, providing a legal framework for e-commerce activities. Citizens urge authorities to fully activate and enforce this ordinance to combat online shopping fraud effectively.

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