BJP and Radicalization of India

Tue Jun 25 2024
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Faisal Ahmad

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Bittersweet election results for Modi are in media spotlight. Bitter in a sense that BJP could not secure four hundred plus seats and Congress led alliance ‘INDIA’ has emerged much stronger than the expectations. Media blitz, Islamophobiac rhetoric, mega stunt of Ram Mandar inauguration and anti-Pakistan hateful speeches could not help Modi in charming the ample number of voters. After falling much below the four hundred seats, BJP under Modi wouldn’t be able to amend the secular outlook of Indian constitution. It means, major leap towards constitutional transformation of India in Hindu Rashter is stalled for the time being.


This remains a million-dollar question that How Modi would accelerate the agenda of radicalization in third term? In the context of available track record, nothing good is expected on this account. Growing extremism under the watch of Modi has been viewed as a major threat to secular outlook of India. Saner voices continue to oppose the steamrolling of hateful ideology by BJP and its sister organizations. Extremist cults operating under patronization of BJP have no dearth of targets! As the rule of BJP extending in terms of time in India; hate mongers influenced by violent interpretation of Hindutva ideology continue to enhance their wings all across the country. Assam is the next Muslim hunting field after Kashmir where extremists frequently vent their hatred and anger. Assam is in the crosshairs of BJP primarily due to large number of the Muslim community. Merely irked with significant presence of the Muslims, BJP state ministers were seen and heard hatefully vowing to stop the self-perceived conversion of Assam in another Kashmir.


Controversial citizenship law was specifically framed to ensure eviction of the Muslims from Assam. Recurring anti-Muslim violence is actually the coercive manifestation of Hindutva agenda. BJP’s policies about IIOJK and Assam revolve around common point of coercing and reducing the existing numerical majority of the Muslims through violent means. Atrocities in IIOJK have touched the vertex as evident from frequent fake encounters and forced burials of the victims in unmarked graves. Unilateral abrogation of Kashmir’s statehood is a major irritant in present day scenario which is eventually destined towards greater demographic change poised against the Muslim majority. Rejection of this venomous plan in Kashmir is so deep that BJP’ hawk Amit Shah had to make faulty promises for restoration of statehood at various occasions. Renowned Congress veteran and ex foreign minister  Salman Khursheed, in his book, has very rightly drawn a comparison of BJP with internationally known extremist groups.


As per Salman Khursheed, ideology of violent Hindutva is similar to the concepts of Boko Haram and ISIS. Quick proof for this conclusion came from none other than BJP circles, who burned the house and effigy of Salman Khursheed in Nainital few years back. Matter is not restricted to an intellectual difference of opinion over a book excerpt rather seems more serious due to rapid growth of radicalism roots deeper in the society. BJP and its splinter organizations unhesitatingly project Nathoram Godse, the killer of Gandhi, as a national hero. Alarming events hurled by extremists surfacing very frequently in India.


Religiously biased mob forced administration to ban Friday prayers in open grounds adjacent to the mosques in Gurgaon. Parliamentarian Asaduddin Owaisi criticized this unconstitutional step and said to Al-Jazeera “How is it that practicing my religion or offering my Jumah prayer once in a week for 15 to 20 minutes is hurting anyone?” Real severity of the issue may be rightly assessed by the poisonous response of home minister Amit Shah who supported the unjustified step and criticized Congress for appeasing the Muslim voters in the   past by allowing the Friday prayers in open grounds.


Though, India was never a secular or tolerant country in real sense but its journey on path of radicalization under BJP’ rule is too fast. Besides targeting the Muslims, extremist quarters do have violent agenda against other religious minorities. What is transpiring abroad in the form of Khalistan Freedom Referendum and recently unearthed RAW sponsored assassination plots of Sikh activists is the real reflection of Indian bias and discrimination towards the Sikh community. Despite Indian reservations, Pakistan open heartedly offered Sikh pilgrims much desired easy passage to Nankana Sahib through Kartarpur corridor.


What Salman Khursheed said about BJP’s Hindutva ideology, in comparison with ISIS or Boko haram, is true and to a great extent a bit short of the reality. ISIS and Boko Haram operating without legitimacy whereas BJP in India spreading extremism as an elected legitimate stake holder. After securing third term as a weaker PM, Modi is expected to continue with radicalization agenda to regain the lost constituencies. Obviously, this is not a good omen for the religious minorities in India.


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