BJP Using Indian Forces, Agencies as Hindutva Tools in IIOJK to Intimidate Kashmiris

Mon Jun 03 2024
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SRINAGAR: The Bharatiya Janata Party (BJP)-led Indian government is using its armed forces and agencies, such as the National Investigation Agency and State Investigation Agency, as Hindutva tools to suppress the ongoing freedom movement in Indian Illegally Occupied Jammu and Kashmir (IIOJK) and intimidate Kashmiri people into submission.

Indian forces, including the army, Rashtriya Rifles, Special Operation Group, and Central Reserve Police Force, along with notorious agencies NIA and SIA, are conducting daily raids across occupied Jammu and Kashmir, subjecting local residents to severe harassment, according to Kashmir Media Service.

These actions aim to intimidate those who refuse to conform to the Hindutva RSS/BJP ideology in the occupied valley.

Modi Regime Utilizes Judiciary to Subdue Kashmiris

The Modi regime is also utilizing the judiciary to subdue Kashmiris, booking them under draconian laws for their commitment to the struggle for self-determination.

Despite massive repression, Kashmiris remain determined to continue their struggle for freedom.

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