Botched Airstrike of 2019: Reminiscent of Modi’s Failed Whipped-Up War Hysteria, RSS policies

Sat Feb 25 2023
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ISLAMABAD: Years after the Indian Air Force’s childish attempt to launch an attack on a location inside Pakistan on 26th of February 2019, resulting the wreckage of two Indian Air Force aircraft, followed by the humiliation they received from the Pakistan Air Force still haunted the Indian Air Force (IAF), exposing hysteria driven war mongering policies of Prime Minister Modi’s RSS (Rashtriya Swayamsevak Sangh) in front of the world.

The concerned airstrike inside Pakistan following a false flag operation at Pulwama on February 14, same year, was responded with a surprising and befitting retaliation by Pakistan Air Force, shooting down two IAF aircraft, establishing the military and technological dominance of the Pakistan Air Force and shattering to pieces the myth of Indian military so called might.

Earlier, on 14 February 2019, a young Kashmiri boy, resenting Indian oppression of the Kashmiri masses, drove a vehicle loaded with explosives into a 78 buses convoy carrying Indian paramilitary police in Pulwama, killing 40 CRPF personnel.

Moments after the incident, the Indian media and Modi’s government immediately started blaming Pakistan before even the start of any investigation and managed to create hype on media.


Modi govt stated Pulwama incident

According to experts of defense, India staged Pulwama incident by callously and carelessly killing its own soldiers, which was further incited by the hype in media.

The Indian Air Force initiated an aerial strike near ‘Balakot’ on Feb 26, 2019 while claiming to target a religious seminary New-Delhi described as a “militant camp”. They also claimed to kill more than 300 terrorists without sharing evidence to support its claim.

The well-rehearsed operation involved 20 Mirage 2,000 aircraft carrying spice 2000 and Crystal Maze missiles and a timely back up of Air Borne Early Warning systems.

They were unable to deliver their payload on the target despite having practice on the simulator and pre-fed coordinates on the bombs.

The defense analysts said the Pulwama attack was completely orchestrated, questioning why there was no road inspecting teams to look for buried IEDs/ suspicious movement along the highway 9route) the convoy used.

On the other hand, PM Modi wanted to achieve electoral gains, which were scheduled for April/ May 2019 as evident from his Pakistan bashing fiery speeches during his election campaign.

On Feb 15, 2019, the Financial Times quoted Prime Minister Narendra Modi as saying that those responsible for the Pulwama terror attack would pay “a hefty price” and security forces would be given a free hand to respond.

In a hard-hitting speech, Modi said the “blood of the people is boiling,” and elements behind the act of terrorism will be punished. “Security forces have been given full freedom, the blood of the people is boiling…Our neighboring country, isolated internationally, thinks such terror attacks can destabilize us. Still, their plans will not materialize,” Modi said to create hype over the well-orchestrated plan against Pakistan.


These claims by India were criticized by scores of international observers and analysts saying there were no casualties and the bombs had missed the target as two only trees were found to be snapped in half.

During the short aerial encounter that followed, Pakistan Air Force shot down two IAF aircrafts and captured one of the pilots. The remains of the SU-30 fell in the area of Indian Occupied Kashmir and its pilot was killed, where as the MIG-21 pilot Wing Commander Abhinandan, whose aircraft fell on the Pakistan’s territory, was captured alive.

The success of the PAF in Operation Swift Retort against a far bigger adversary is now observed as a “Surprise Day” every year. – APP

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