Brazilian Authorities Raid Homes of Bolsonaro Allies in Jewelry Scandal

Sat Aug 12 2023
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RIO DE JANEIRO: Brazilian police have conducted raids on the residences of individuals close to former President Jair Bolsonaro, who are accused of reselling valuable gifts, including jewelry, from foreign dignitaries. The gifts were allegedly sold for personal gain, leading to accusations of “illicit enrichment” of the former president. The raids were carried out as part of an ongoing investigation into the scandal.

The controversial right-wing leader, Bolsonaro, vehemently denied any wrongdoing through his lawyers, who released a statement on the G1 news site. The statement emphasized that Bolsonaro “never appropriated or misappropriated any public good.”

The scandal came to light earlier this year when it was reported that customs officials had seized a collection of jewels from a government aide who had attempted to bring them into the country without declaring them in 2021. Brazilian law prohibits public officials from retaining expensive gifts.

Brazilian Police Investigation Against Bolsonaro

Details of the police investigation were revealed in a judgment by Supreme Court judge Alexandre de Moraes, which justified the search warrants executed by federal police on Friday at the residences of former Bolsonaro aides.

The judgment stated, “The evidence collected showed (the existence) during the presidency of Jair Bolsonaro, of a network to divert goods of a high amount which were offered to him.” The judgment further raised concerns about the “inadmissible enrichment of the President of the Republic” and the possibility that foreign nations may have influenced Bolsonaro through these assets.

One of the individuals implicated in the scandal is Mauro Cid, a former top aide to Bolsonaro, who has been in custody since May for falsifying Covid-19 vaccination certificates. According to investigators, Cid mentioned in an audio message that “$25,000 in cash” would be intended for the ex-president after the sale of certain items.

Bolsonaro, often compared to former US President Donald Trump for his outspoken and brash style, gained popularity as a presidential candidate in 2018 by presenting himself as an anti-corruption figure. His presidency was marked by controversies, including his handling of the Covid-19 pandemic. He has also been barred from holding office for eight years due to his unproven claims of election fraud.

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