Brazilian President Accuses Israel of ‘Genocide’ in Gaza

Sun Feb 18 2024
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ADDIS ABABA: Brazilian President Luiz Inacio Lula da Silva has strongly criticized Israel for its actions in the besieged Gaza Strip, accusing the country of perpetrating “genocide” against innocent Palestinian civilians and drawing comparisons to Adolf Hitler’s campaign against Jews during World War II.

Speaking to reporters in Addis Ababa during an African Union summit, Lula condemned Israel’s military operations in Gaza, stating that the situation in the region constituted a “genocide” rather than a traditional war between armed forces.

Lula asserted that the conflict in Gaza represented an imbalance of power, with a heavily armed military targeting vulnerable civilians, particularly women and children. He compared the situation to atrocities committed during the Holocaust under Hitler’s regime.

The Brazilian leader’s remarks represent some of the strongest condemnation of Israel’s actions in Gaza to date. Lula, known for his advocacy on behalf of developing nations, emphasized his country’s commitment to humanitarian aid and called for increased support for Palestinian refugees.

While acknowledging Palestinian resistance group Hamas’s attack on Israel, Lula criticized Israel’s retaliatory measures, which resulted in significant casualties among Palestinian civilians.

According to official figures, the conflict has resulted in the deaths of thousands of Palestinians, mostly women and children, and has led to the displacement of many more.

Brazilian President Condemns Western Countries’ Decisions

Lula also expressed dismay over Western countries’ decisions to suspend aid to the UN agency for Palestinian refugees (UNRWA) following allegations of employee involvement in the attacks on Israel. He pledged Brazil’s increased contribution to UNRWA and urged other nations to follow suit.

The Brazilian president reiterated his support for a two-state solution to the Israeli-Palestinian conflict, emphasizing the need for Palestine to be recognized as a fully sovereign state.


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