Britain Announces Stricter Visa Regime to Reduce Net Migration

Tue Dec 05 2023
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LONDON: Britain announced plans to reduce the influx of migrants arriving through legal routes, raising the minimum salary they must earn in a skilled job by a third, amid pressure on Prime Minister Rishi Sunak to address the escalating net migration figures.

Legal migration has been a dominant issue in British politics for over a decade, notably influencing the 2016 decision to exit the European Union. Sunak, facing criticism from within his Conservative Party ahead of an anticipated upcoming election where the Labour Party leads in polls, has pledged to enhance control over migration.

However, the proposed changes have faced criticism from both businesses and trade unions, who argue that these measures would be counterproductive and pose challenges for both the private sector and the state-run health service, both grappling with labor shortages.

Recent statistics revealed a record annual net migration of 745,000 to the United Kingdom in 2022, with sustained high levels, notably from countries like India, Nigeria, and China, rather than the European Union.

Home Secretary James Cleverly, responsible for the interior ministry, asserted that these new measures could potentially reduce net migration by 300,000.Prime Minister Sunak, emphasizing the need for decisive action, stated, “Immigration is too high. Today we’re taking radical action to bring it down.” As part of these measures, the government plans to raise the minimum salary threshold for skilled foreign workers to £38,700 ($48,900), up from the current £26,200, though exceptions would be made for health and social workers.

Additionally, efforts are underway to deport migrants arriving illegally to Rwanda.



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