British High Commissioner Visits NPC, Expresses Solidarity with Journalists

Fri May 03 2024
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ISLAMABAD: British High Commissioner Jane Marriott on Friday visited the National Press Club to express solidarity with the journalist community on the occasion of World Press Freedom Day.

High Commissioner Jane Marriott on the occasion said she had been associated with the field of journalism in the past. She added that freedom of expression, both online and offline, is essential for any democracy to flourish and that starts with the storytellers at the forefront.

She said that journalists around the world are carrying out their duties in quite challenging environment.

The envoy strongly believed the phenomenon of climate change is affecting the entire world and can be tackled through cooperation.

She noted that Pakistan is passing through a difficult economic situation adding the country has to make timely decisions to overcome these challenges.

High Commissioner Jane Marriott said Britain will continue its support for a strong and stable Pakistan.

Upon arrival at the NPC, President Azhar Jatoi, Secretary Nair Ali, Finance Secretary Waqar Ahmed Abbasi and members of the executive and governing body warmly welcomed the distinguished guest.

Secretary NPC Nair Ali appreciated the efforts of the British High Commissioner for closer relations between Pakistan and the United Kingdom.

She said during her stay in Pakistan, the close friendly relations between the two countries have further improved, which is a welcome development.


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She briefed the High Commissioner about the National Press Club and its events and the role of the Women Journalist Caucus.

the British High Commissioner also planted a sapling at the National Press Club. A large number of senior journalists besides executive and governing body members of the Press Club were present on the occasion.


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