Call for Mutual Cooperation In Strengthening Sino-Japanese Relations

Mon May 27 2024
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SEOUL, South Korea: Chinese Premier Li Qiang and Japanese Prime Minister Fumio Kishida convened on the sidelines of the ninth Trilateral Summit Meeting among China, Japan, and South Korea, reaffirming their commitment to strengthening bilateral ties and implementing crucial consensus reached by the leaders of both nations.

Premier Li emphasized the significance of mutual trust, cooperation, and constructive dialogue in navigating differences and fostering a stable relationship that aligns with the demands of the new era. Highlighting the pivotal role of history and the Taiwan issue, Li underscored their importance as fundamental principles shaping the political foundation of China-Japan relations.

Echoing Li’s sentiments, Prime Minister Kishida reiterated Japan’s commitment to honoring past agreements and fostering a positive atmosphere conducive to bilateral growth. Recognizing the intertwined nature of their economies, Kishida emphasized the immense potential for collaboration in various sectors, including scientific innovation, digital economy, and green development.

Both leaders stressed the importance of maintaining stable industrial and supply chains, underscoring their mutual commitment to upholding the global free trade system. They pledged to deepen people-to-people exchanges and enhance youth engagement to bolster public support for bilateral cooperation.

On the issue of Fukushima nuclear-contaminated wastewater, Premier Li urged Japan to address international concerns transparently and fulfill its obligations responsibly. In response, Prime Minister Kishida assured Japan’s commitment to constructive dialogue and cooperation, emphasizing the need for continued consultations and dialogues on the matter.

Both sides reaffirmed their commitment to strengthening high-level exchanges, fostering economic cooperation, and addressing regional and global challenges collectively. They pledged to enhance dialogue and coordination on international and regional issues, underscoring their shared vision for peace, stability, and prosperity in the Asia-Pacific region.

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