Caretaker PM Kakar Emphasizes Pakistan’s Tourism Potential

Wed Oct 25 2023
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ISLAMABAD: Caretaker Prime Minister Anwarul Haq Kakar met with Special Assistant for Tourism, Wasi Shah, to discuss Pakistan’s tourism potential and the steps taken to promote tourism at the federal level.

During their meeting, Prime Minister Kakar highlighted the immense tourism opportunities that Pakistan possesses, emphasizing the need to harness this potential to the fullest.

The Prime Minister stressed the importance of cohesive efforts between the federal government and provincial authorities in order to effectively promote tourism. In light of Pakistan’s diverse landscape, from picturesque mountain ranges to serene coastal areas, there is a wealth of untapped opportunities for tourism that can bring both economic and cultural benefits.

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In response to the Prime Minister’s vision, Syed Wasi Shah provided an overview of the initiatives undertaken at the federal level to boost tourism in Pakistan. These initiatives aim to attract both domestic and international tourists, highlighting Pakistan’s natural beauty, historical sites, and cultural richness. The government’s goal is to create an environment that welcomes tourists and provides them with the necessary facilities and services for a memorable and enriching experience.

By acknowledging Pakistan’s vast potential in the tourism sector and emphasizing the need for collaborative efforts between the federal and provincial authorities, Prime Minister Kakar and Special Assistant Wasi Shah aim to lay the foundation for a thriving tourism industry in the country. This industry has the potential to contribute significantly to Pakistan’s economy and promote a positive image of the nation on the global stage.

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