China Calls for Ceasefire in Gaza, Advocates for Independent State of Palestine

Sun Oct 22 2023
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CAIRO: During the Peace Summit in Cairo discussing the Palestinian-Israeli conflict, China’s Special Envoy on the Middle East Issue, Zhai Jun, urged an immediate end of military operations in the Gaza Strip to prevent the situation from deteriorating further.

The Chinese envoy also stressed the need for the opening of humanitarian relief channels to address the dire situation in the besieged Palestinian region.

The summit, attended by representatives from 31 countries, including China, Jordan, Qatar, France, Germany, Russia, the United Kingdom, and South Africa, was an international effort to address the ongoing conflict. United Nations and European Union officials also participated in the summit.

Zhai Jun emphasized the importance of an objective, impartial, and practical approach by the international community in promoting a comprehensive, just, and lasting solution to the Palestinian issue. He expressed China’s deep sorrow for the significant civilian casualties and the severe humanitarian crisis in Gaza amid Israeli air strikes.

China Advocates for Independent State of Palestine

China strongly condemned Israeli actions that harm civilians and any violations of international law, making it clear that the Palestinian-Israeli conflict underscores the inescapable importance of the Palestinian question. Zhai Jun reiterated that the fundamental solution to this recurring conflict lies in implementing the “two-state solution” and establishing an independent State of Palestine. This, he asserted, would pave the way for peaceful coexistence between Palestine and Israel.

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The Chinese envoy pledged that China would continue to collaborate with all relevant parties and the broader international community to de-escalate the conflict, support the just cause of the Palestinian people in regaining their legitimate national rights, implement the “two-state solution,” and work towards lasting peace and security in the Middle East region.



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