China Calls for Solidarity Among Global South Nations at G77+China Summit

Sun Jan 21 2024
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KAMPALA: Chinese Vice Premier Liu Guozhong emphasized the need for unity and deeper cooperation among countries in the Global South. He said this during his address at the third South Summit of the Group of 77 and China (G77+China) in Kampala, Uganda.

Liu expressed confidence in the “unstoppable” collective rise of Southern nations but acknowledged the lingering impact of the existing international economic and political order.

Speaking at the summit, Liu pledged China’s commitment to collaborating with countries in the South across a broader spectrum and in various areas. The G77+China summit aims to promote solidarity and complementarity among nations in the South, fostering a platform for cooperation and shared development goals.

Significance of G77+China Forum

The G77+China, a significant coordination group within the United Nations, comprises 134 member countries, representing 80% of the world’s population. Established in 1964, it stands as a powerful mechanism for Southern nations, offering a unified voice within the UN framework.

The summit provides an opportunity for member nations to discuss key issues, explore avenues for collaboration, and strengthen ties among themselves.


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