China Denounces G7 Statement as ‘Full of Arrogance, Prejudice, and Lies’

Mon Jun 17 2024
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BEIJING: China strongly criticized the Group of Seven (G7) leaders’ end-of-summit statement on Monday, condemning it as “full of arrogance, prejudice, and lies.” This response came after the G7 leaders warned Beijing against sending weapons components to Russia and criticized its actions in the South China Sea.

The G7 summit, which took place last week in Italy, focused on deteriorating trade relations with China, tensions over Ukraine, and the South China Sea disputes. The summit concluded with a statement that criticized China on these issues, particularly accusing Beijing of supplying dual-use materials to Russia that could aid its war efforts in Ukraine.

China’s foreign ministry spokesperson Lin Jian, addressing a regular press briefing, said the G7’s statement “slandered and attacked China,” describing it as a collection of “rehashed cliches that have no factual basis, no legal basis, and no moral justification.”

The G7, comprising the United States, Japan, France, Germany, Canada, Britain, and Italy, also condemned what it called “dangerous” Chinese incursions in the South China Sea. The statement expressed significant concern over China’s militarization and coercive activities in the region.

“We oppose China’s militarization, and coercive and intimidation activities in the South China Sea,” the G7 declaration read.

The G7 also addressed issues of trade and market practices, particularly criticizing China’s alleged industrial policies and subsidies. The European Union, attending the G7 summits as an unofficial partner, has warned of new tariffs on Chinese electric vehicles, citing concerns over market distortions caused by China’s subsidies, particularly in green energy sectors.

The G7’s statement highlighted worries about “harmful overcapacity,” accusing China of persistent industrial targeting and non-market policies that could have global economic repercussions. “We express our concerns about China’s persistent industrial targeting and comprehensive non-market policies,” it said, pointing to “global spillovers, market distortions, and harmful overcapacity” in several sectors.

China has dismissed these accusations. Lin Jian argued that the G7’s concerns about overcapacity were unfounded, saying, “G7 speculation on overcapacity completely deviates from the objective facts and economic laws, creates excuses for protectionism, and also undermines the efforts of global green and low-carbon transition and climate change cooperation.”

Lin criticized the G7 as not representative of the global community, suggesting that it serves as “a political tool for safeguarding the hegemony of the United States and the West.”


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