China: Dior Accused of Racism Over ‘Pulled Eye’ Advertisement

Fri Apr 14 2023
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BEIJING: On Chinese social media, the luxury fashion brand Dior has been accused of racism over an advertisement that featured an Asian model pulling up the corner of her eye.

The French label immediately removed the image from its Instagram account after posting it there earlier this week. There has been no official statement from Dior. The BBC had asked them to respond.

As nationalist sentiment on Chinese social media has risen, Chinese internet users have become more sensitive to how Chinese people are portrayed. The controversial image was published six days ago to advertise Dior’s newest makeup line. Channel your feline fierceness, it reads, as the figure pulls up her eye.

Later, it was republished by users on Chinese social media sites. It drew outrage and became the subject of the trending hashtag “Dior makeup advertisement accused of discriminating against Asians” on Weibo. The label’s Instagram account has also been inundated with angry remarks. It’s racial prejudice, according to the most famous statement.

A Chinese user posted, “Are you trying to play racism and make money simultaneously?”

Global Times, a state-owned newspaper, published an editorial asking the brand to apologise. It was noted that “‘Pulling your eyes back’ makes a mockery of the appearance of Asians, particularly East Asians. “We hope Dior can own up to its mistakes, offer sincere repentance and response to Asian society, and make unequivocal declarations on how to avoid similar issues in the future.”

Some citizens have also called on celebrities in China who model for Dior to end their association with the brand. But some think the discussion is over the top.

One Weibo user said, “An insecure individual won’t be able to accept any level of humour. Another person stated, “Those who buy Dior never believe it insults China; it’s always those who don’t buy that are concerned by it.” In China, one of its greatest markets, Dior has previously been involved in controversies.

An image for the brand taken by a Chinese fashion photographer in 2021 provoked uproar after some netizens claimed it supported Western stereotypes of Asian looks. Later, the photographer expressed regret, and Dior stated that it “respects the sentiments of the Chinese people”. Dior was accused in 2022 of “culturally appropriating” a classic Chinese pattern for one of its skirts. In the past, a Chinese snack company was charged with racism for employing a model who had narrow eyes in its commercials.

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