China to Hold Important Political Meeting Soon: Official Media

Thu Jun 27 2024
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BEIJING: China will hold an important political meeting historically watched for signals on economic direction from July 15 to July 18, state media reported on Thursday. About 18 months after the end of severe Covid-19 restrictions that have since slowed the country’s recovery, causing concern among leaders and citizens. Originally anticipated for autumn 2023, the third plenum is highly expected to address uncertainties and outline the Chinese leadership’s future strategy.

According to the Chinese state news agency, the meeting will focus on issues related to deepening reform and advancing Chinese modernization. The government aims to shift the economy towards high-tech innovation and domestic consumption.

However, economic uncertainty has kept domestic consumption low in the country. According to media reports, so far, Xi Jinping’s administration has avoided significant stimulus measures, and the head of China’s central bank recently indicated that such measures are not forthcoming.

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