China’s PLA & Pakistan Army: Iron-clad Brotherhood

Sun Jul 21 2024
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Dr. Zafar Nawaz Jaspal

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China-Pakistan’s brotherhood is on a positive trajectory despite an immense transformation in their neighborhood and international geopolitics. They have been cooperating in numerous fields, including counterterrorism and traditional security domains. China’s People’s Liberation Army (PLA) and Pakistan Army’s cooperation has systematically evolved over decades. Today, their comradeship demonstrates the iron-clad brotherhood between the two countries.

The 97th Anniversary of the PLA was celebrated at the General Headquarters (GHQ) on July 18, 2024. General Syed Asim Munir, Chief of Army Staff (COAS), while welcoming the Chinese diplomatic and military officials, reiterated that “Pakistan-China relations are exceptional and have always weathered the vicissitudes of the strategic environment with mutual trust and unwavering belief in each other’s support.” He reassured the Chinese guests that the Pakistani Army should fight Terrorism till every terrorist casting an evil eye on Pakistan, its people, and their guests is eliminated.


China and Pakistan have encountered identical regional and international military challenges. Both nations have been combating radicalized militancy, which India financially and materially supports. The Modi government, instead of resolving the chronic border disputes with China and Pakistan through dialogue, preferred military solutions.

New Delhi is assisting Tehrik-e-Taliban Pakistan (TTP) and Baloch Liberation Army (BLA) to conduct Terrorism in Pakistan. These Indian proxies had killed Chinese officials and workers to derail the China-Pakistan Economic Corridor (CPEC)—the flagship project of President Xi’s Belt and Road Initiative (BRI).

The Pakistan Army has been struggling to thwart the nefarious designs of Indian proxies. The Government of Pakistan expressed its resolve to provide foolproof security to the Chinese in Pakistan. Notably, the Pakistani state and society have a consensus to ensure the safety and security of Chinese officials, engineers, and workers, who are effortlessly busy completing CPEC projects.


Conversely, the New Delhi and Kabul proxies are determined to thwart projects that are imperative for the prosperity of Balochistan and Khyber Pakhtunkhwa locals. Besides, their primary objective is to derail the Pakistan-China iron-clad brotherhood. It is an open secret that the enemies of Pakistan have instrumentalized Terrorism to hamper the country’s progress and development. Thus, the acts targeting Chinese nationals in Pakistan are aimed at creating mistrust between the two Iron brothers.

Islamabad has been striving to maintain trust with Beijing by providing foolproof security to the Chinese and ensuring their investments in Pakistan will have dividends. Similar sentiments exist among the Chinese. On July 18, 2024, the Chinese Ambassador in Islamabad, Excellency Jiang Zaidong, stated, “We stand ready to work with our brethren to combat terrorism and firmly believe that no force can destroy the iron-clad friendship between China and Pakistan and the brotherhood between the two militaries.”


Pakistan established two special security divisions and a naval task force-88 (TF-88) for the foolproof security of Chinese workers and the protection of CPEC projects. The TF-88 ensures the Gwadar port’s offshore security and protects associated sea lanes from traditional and nontraditional threats. Moreover, the Pakistan Navy’s Coastal Security and Harbour Defense Force has stationed a Force Protection Battalion consisting of Pakistan Marines at Gwadar to protect Chinese companies and workers.

On June 22, 2024, Pakistan’s Apex Committee–comprising civilian and military leadership–announced a nationwide counterterrorism operation named “Vision Azm-e-Istehkam” (Resolve for Stability). The new counterterrorism vision synergies military, diplomatic, legislative, and socioeconomic strategies to decisively defeat Terrorism and extremism. Islamabad expects Beijing’s diplomatic and material support in combating the menace of transnational Terrorism.


Both sides have been assisting each other materially and know how to combat the identical challenges. Pakistani military-industrial complex has been thriving with the generous assistance of China. Moreover, the Chinese leadership realizes that Pakistan is the frontline state against the international terrorist enterprise. The Chief Guest of the GHQ ceremony, the Chinese Ambassador in Islamabad, Excellency Jiang Zaidong, praised the Pakistan Army’s heroic struggle to combat the menace of transnational Terrorism in the country. He said, “The Pakistani military has always been at the forefront of countering terrorism and has made great sacrifices for the peace and stability of Pakistan and the region.” Indeed, with the assistance of iron-clad ally China, Pakistani armed forces and civilian law enforcement agencies will thwart the menace of Terrorism in the country.

To conclude, the recent celebration at the GHQ testifies that the PLA and Pakistani armed forces have a cooperative relationship, and it also underlines the increasing convergence of their strategic interest in the region. It manifests that both nations are encountering a common enemy, which necessitates them to cooperate for the sake of their national security and regional stability.


Dr. Zafar Nawaz Jaspal

Dr. Zafar Nawaz Jaspal is an Islamabad-based analyst and Professor at the School of Politics and International Relations at Quaid-i-Azam University. He is a nonresident senior fellow of the Hong Kong Research Center for Asian Studies (RCAS). He is the author of Arms Control in South Asia: Politics, Postures, and Practices (2024): India's Surgical Strike Stratagem: Brinksmanship and Responses: and Nuclear Risk Reduction Measures and Restraint Regime in South Asia Twitter: @zafar_jaspal

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