China’s Top Lawmakers to Safeguard Security Interests

Fri Mar 08 2024
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BEIJING:  China’s top lawmakers on Friday vowed to formulate new laws to modernise China’s system and capacity to safeguard country’s sovereign interests and national security.

The annual gathering of National People’s Congress Standing Committee (NPCSC), of parliament, vowed to formulate legislation including an emergency management law and atomic energy law.

According to a work report by the NPCSC’s chairman and the Communist Party’s third-ranked official Zhao Leji, the lawmakers also decided to revise laws on cybersecurity and national defence education this year.

The annual legislative plan had more focus on national security, in accordance with President Xi Jinping’s enhanced focus on preventing China from internal and external threats.

A work report of Supreme People’s Court also separately vowed to apply the idea of national security to its work this year.

Other new lawmaking this year includes a financial stability law and private sector promotion law.

The NPCSC report also agreed to strengthen lawmaking in areas involving foreign affairs and devise a system for extraterritorial application.

Zhao in the NPCSC report said that the committee will use legal means to stand up for the country in the international arena and safeguard China’s sovereignty, security and development interests.

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