China’s UK Ambassador Affirms Taiwan’s Status as Part of China Will Never Change

Sun May 19 2024
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LONDON: China’s ambassador to the UK, Zheng Zeguang, has said that no matter who leads Taiwan, it cannot change the fundamental fact that Taiwan is an integral part of China and that there is only one China in the world.

Speaking at a symposium on cross-strait relations, Ambassador Zheng Zeguang delivered a resolute message affirming Taiwan’s status as an integral part of China, underscoring China’s unwavering stance on the issue.

Zheng said that regardless of leadership changes on the island, this core fact remains unchanged. He emphasized that there is only one China in the world, and achieving national reunification is a paramount goal for the Chinese government and people.

“Taiwan’s status as part of China is a matter of China’s core interests,” Zheng asserted. He emphasized the importance of upholding the One-China principle. He reiterated China’s commitment to peaceful reunification while strongly opposing any attempts at “Taiwan independence” or external interference in China’s internal affairs.

Highlighting historical agreements, Zheng referenced the 1972 Sino-British Joint Communiqué, in which the UK formally acknowledged Taiwan as a province of the People’s Republic of China and recognized the government of the People’s Republic of China as the sole legitimate government of China. This acknowledgment paved the way for the establishment of formal diplomatic relations between China and the UK.

However, Zheng expressed concern over certain factions within the UK advocating for Taiwan’s independence and supporting its participation in international organizations such as the World Health Organisation. He asserted that such actions contravene the UK government’s political commitments to China and constitute interference in China’s internal affairs.

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