Chinese Experts Slam Sensational Indian Claims on Research Ship’s Mission to Sri Lanka

Fri Oct 27 2023
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BEIJING: Indian media’s sensational claims regarding the docking of a Chinese oceangoing geophysical research ship in Sri Lanka have been criticized as a political maneuver that aligns with India’s regional strategy rather than an accurate representation of China’s scientific activities in the Indian Ocean.

The research ship in question, Shiyan 6, arrived at the port of Colombo in Sri Lanka on Wednesday, where it will remain until Saturday. The expedition, which began in September after departing from Guangzhou, involves a team of scientists and experts from 13 different institutes. Over the course of 80 days, they plan to conduct 28 offshore research missions.

The primary objective of the expedition is to explore the “coupling relationship between the dynamic processes, material circulation, and biogeography in the tropical eastern Indian Ocean.”

However, an article from Hindustan Times attempted to assert that the ship’s purpose goes beyond scientific research, insinuating a dual-use capability that includes seabed surveys for potential future operations by the Chinese Navy in the Indian Ocean. The article also claimed that the vessel docked in Colombo despite India’s objections.

Sensational Indian Claims on Research Ship’s Mission Rebuked

Experts in China have strongly criticized these claims, emphasizing that the ship is dedicated to scientific research and that India’s objections are unfounded. Qian Feng, director of the research department at the National Strategy Institute at Tsinghua University, argues that the sensationalizing of a routine replenishment mission damages the already fragile political trust between India and China. He urges India to take practical steps to improve bilateral relations.

Chen Xiangmiao, director of the world navy research center at the National Institute for South China Sea Studies, underscores that the ship’s activities comply with international law and Sri Lankan laws. He points out that India has a history of treating any Chinese vessels entering the Indian Ocean as threats, even when they are non-military, creating sensational claims based on baseless facts.

The research expedition in the Indian Ocean aims to enhance China’s capabilities in marine disaster prevention, reduction, and sustainable development, especially along critical trade routes. This scientific endeavor aligns with international law and serves to strengthen China’s understanding of ocean dynamics in this region.

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Despite India’s objections, Sri Lanka’s welcoming of the research ship reflects the friendly relations between the two nations and their shared commitment to an independent foreign policy. China appreciates Sri Lanka’s determination to maintain its sovereignty in foreign affairs, despite external pressures.

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