Chinese Premier Li to Attend Opening of 2024 World AI Conference

Tue Jul 02 2024
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SHANGHAI: Chinese Premier Li Qiang will attend the opening ceremony of the 2024 World AI Conference in Shanghai on Thursday. This was stated by Chinese Foreign Ministry spokesperson Mao Ning. The spokesperson added that the Premier will also take part in a high-level meeting on Global AI Governance in Shanghai. Mao stated that Premier Li will also deliver a keynote speech at the event.

Meanwhile, Chinese UN Ambassador Fu Cong has said that US targeting of certain investments in artificial intelligence (AI) in China is not helpful to the “healthy development” of AI technology.

Earlier, the US issued draft rules for banning of certain investments in AI and other technology fields in China that could threaten American national security. Fu Cong said that they are opposed to these sanctions. His statement comes following the UNGA adopted by consensus a Chinese-drafted resolution aimed at boosting global cooperation on AI.

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