Chinese President Xi Alleges US Attempting to Provoke Beijing into Attacking Taiwan

Sun Jun 16 2024
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LONDON: Chinese President Xi Jinping reportedly accused the United States of attempting to provoke Beijing into attacking Taiwan during a meeting with European Commission President Ursula von der Leyen in April 2023, the Financial Times reported.

In a detailed account based on sources familiar with the matter, the British daily reported that Xi conveyed his concerns to von der Leyen during her official visit to China last year, coinciding with a state visit by French President Emmanuel Macron.

According to the Financial Times, Xi Jinping warned von der Leyen that the US was employing tactics to deceive China into launching a military invasion of Taiwan. However, Xi purportedly assured that China would not fall into this trap.

The disclosure comes at a time of heightened tensions across the Taiwan Strait.

Xi’s remarks to von der Leyen represent a significant assertion, possibly the first instance of him making such claims directly to a foreign leader. He also reportedly emphasized that any conflict with the United States would undermine China’s ambitious goal of achieving a “great rejuvenation” by 2049.

In recent years, US officials have increased engagement with Taiwan while affirming adherence to the longstanding one-China policy, which acknowledges Beijing’s position that there is only one China and Taiwan is part of it.

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