Chinese Scientists Develop AI System for Predicting Ocean Currents 7 Months in Advance

Tue Jan 24 2023
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ISLAMABAD: Chinese scientists have developed an inference and prediction system that is based on artificial intelligence (AI) to be used in conjunction with the Indonesian Throughflow (ITF). The AI-based system can make accurate predictions of ocean currents seven months in advance.

The ITF acts as the main artery of the global conveyor belt that transports heat and salt in the upper ocean waters from the Pacific Ocean to the Indian Ocean via the Indonesian seas.

AI-based system developed to predict ocean currents

Previously, scientists did not have ideal methods to predict the ITF, which was due to biases in the current numerical simulation systems.

In this new study, by using satellite data and AI models based on deep learning, Chinese scientists from the Chinese Academy of Sciences, Institute of Oceanology, and Nanjing University of Information Science & Technology constructed the prediction and inference system for the ITF.

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