Chinese Scientists Engineer Spider Silk Tougher Than Bulletproof Vest

Fri Sep 22 2023
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SHANGHAI: Chinese researchers have created the first complete, full-length spider silk fiber from genetically modified silkworms, six times more durable than a bulletproof vest.

The researchers, hailing from Donghua University, drew inspiration from materials like nylon and Kevlar, commonly used to produce bulletproof vests. They put forth a groundbreaking theory regarding the characteristics of toughness and strength, ultimately revealing the fundamental structure of silk fibers.

They successfully synthesized complete polyamide spider silk fibers from genetically modified silkworms using advanced gene editing techniques.

These fibers demonstrated exceptional tensile strength and an unprecedented level of toughness. These findings were recently published in the journal Matter.

The significance of this breakthrough lies in pursuing sustainable, environmentally friendly alternatives to synthetic fibers, such as nylon. The development of high-strength and ultra-tough materials is crucial for a sustainable future.

This achievement marks a significant step towards commercializing spider silk as a sustainable substitute for synthetic fibers. It can potentially be employed in various applications, including the production of surgical sutures and comfortable, highly effective bulletproof vests. —Xinhua/APP

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