CIA and Mossad Chiefs Leave Qatar After Gaza Truce Talks, Source Reveals

Sun Mar 24 2024
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DOHA: Top intelligence officials from the United States and Israel, Bill Burns of the CIA and David Barnea of Mossad, have left Qatar following discussions on a potential truce in Gaza and the release of hostages, a source briefed on the talks told AFP.

The departure of Burns and Barnea from Doha late Saturday signifies a crucial phase in the ongoing efforts to broker a ceasefire between Israel and Palestinian resistance group Hamas, as well as negotiate the release of captives held on both sides.

Speaking on condition of anonymity due to the sensitive nature of the discussions, the source told AFP that the CIA and Mossad chiefs returned home to brief their respective teams on the latest developments from the talks held in Qatar. Although the focus of the discussions centered on the specifics and ratios for a potential exchange of hostages and prisoners, technical teams remain in Doha to continue negotiations.

For weeks, US, Qatari, and Egyptian mediators have been engaged in intensive diplomatic efforts aimed at securing a second ceasefire in the conflict between Israel and Hamas, alongside facilitating the release of captives held by both sides.

Israeli intelligence had announced plans for Barnea’s return to Doha for a second round of talks, signaling renewed efforts to reach a resolution after previous attempts failed to secure a truce before the start of the holy month of Ramadan.

Since October 7, over 32,000 Palestinians, mostly women and children, have been killed in ongoing Israeli military relentless airstrikes and group attacks in Gaza.


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