CIS Observer Mission Hails Azerbaijan’s Presidential Election

Thu Feb 08 2024
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BAKU, Azerbaijan: Sergei Lebedev, Secretary General of the Commonwealth of Independent States (CIS) and head of the observer mission, praised Azerbaijan’s extraordinary presidential election as a demonstration of transparency and adherence to electoral regulations.

Lebedev emphasized the observer mission’s endorsement of the election’s conduct, affirming that it adhered to Azerbaijan’s Electoral Code and Constitution. He lauded the notable voter turnout and praised the efficient operation of polling stations, underscoring the enthusiasm displayed by voters.

Highlighting the caliber of all presidential candidates, Lebedev noted their extensive experience in state affairs and politics. He underscored the candidates’ freedom to present their platforms and engage with voters, asserting that the election was characterized by openness and inclusivity.

Furthermore, Lebedev stressed the unanimous agreement among observers regarding the organized and transparent conduct of the election, reflecting positively on Azerbaijan’s electoral process.

In the election results disclosed, incumbent President Ilham Aliyev secured a commanding lead with 92.05% of the votes, following the processing of 93.35% of the ballots. Other candidates received varying percentages of the vote, with Aliyev’s closest competitor garnering significantly fewer votes.

Exit polls conducted by reputable organizations, including the American “Oracle Advisory Group” and local entities, further affirmed Aliyev’s overwhelming support among voters, with percentages consistently above 90%.

The presidential election witnessed broad participation across Azerbaijan, including recently liberated territories previously under Armenian occupation. With over 6.4 million eligible voters and more than 90,000 observers overseeing the process at over 6,500 polling sites nationwide, the election demonstrated the country’s commitment to democratic principles and civic engagement.

The commendation from the CIS observer mission serves as a testament to the transparency and integrity of Azerbaijan’s electoral procedures, affirming the country’s dedication to democratic governance.

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