Coalition Govt Rejects Imran Khan’s Demand for Early Elections

Mon Oct 17 2022
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ISLAMABAD: The coalition government on Monday categorically rejected PTI Chairman Imran Khan’s demand for early elections and said the allies would decide about the timing of elections in the country.

In a joint statement, the government allies said no group based on its power would be allowed to impose its will. Those who would take the law into their hands would be dealt with according to the constitution and law.

The allied parties in the government strongly condemned the statements and allegations against former president Asif Ali Zardari, Quaid Pakistan Muslim League (N), and former prime minister Muhammad Nawaz Sharif.

The coalition partners said the prime minister of Pakistan would decide about the appointment of the army chief, which would not be done because of the pressure of the foreign-funded anarchist and threats and dictation.

The targeting of the army chief, leadership of the intelligence agencies, officers, Chief Election Commissioner and others was blackmailing. It was not a political attitude but part of a conspiracy which would not be allowed to succeed.

The constitution and law were clear that the prime minister had the constitutional authority to make appointments to the army chief and other posts. The government, institutions and the system were unanimous that political instability would not be allowed; instead, putting the economy back on track and providing assistance to the flood affectees would not be allowed to be affected.

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