Committee to Lead Party If I am Arrested: Imran Khan

Sat Mar 18 2023
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LAHORE: Former prime minister and Pakistan Tehreek-e-Insaf chief Imran Khan has said he has formed a committee to lead his party if he is arrested today in Islamabad.


Before leaving for Islamabad early on Saturday, the 70-year-old PTI leader told Reuter at his Lahore home: “I have created a committee which would take decisions once – if – I’m inside” jail. He claimed that 94 cases were filed against him.


Khan is slated to appear before the district and sessions court in Islamabad in the Toshakha reference filed against him by the Election Commission of Pakistan.


After being removed from office last year, the former cricketing legend spearheaded nationwide rallies, and several lawsuits were filed against him. On Tuesday, the police made an unsuccessful attempt to arrest him, which resulted in violent altercations with members of his party.


Khan, who was shot and injured while campaigning in November, claims that the threat to his life is worse than before. He also claims—without offering any supporting data—that the military and his political rivals want to prevent him from running in elections later this year. The army or the government did not immediately answer requests by Reuters for comment.


The administration of Prime Minister Shehbaz Sharif has refuted responsibility for the crimes. The military, which has a significant influence in Pakistan and has dominated the nation for most of its 75-year history, has declared itself politically neutral.


Khan claimed that since he had secured bail in each case, there was no justification for his current detention. Khan might lose his eligibility to run in the November elections if he is found guilty in a case.

“Now, the establishment perceives me as a threat. That is the problem,” he said.


Many people were also hurt during the confrontations that followed the police attempt to apprehend Imran Khan.

He said he was concerned about the response to his imprisonment and any potential assassination attempts, saying, “My life is considerably more at risk than it was then. 


“I believe there would be a very strong response, and there would be a response throughout Pakistan,” the author said.

Although the nation implements hard budgetary changes to avoid default, the former prime minister has gained widespread support among Pakistanis despite decades-high inflation and a crippling economic slump. 


Thousands have come out in support every time he’s called for protests


“I just think those trying to do this cannot comprehend the situation. Unfortunately, the mind behind the idea of either putting me in jail or killing me, I don’t think they probably understand where Pakistan is right now.”


Khan claimed that once his relationship with the outgoing army head, General Qamar Javed Bajwa, who retired in November, deteriorated, the military forced him from office. He claimed the new commander, General Asim Munir, continued the program. The military has in the past refuted his assertions.


“The military has played a part in our 70–75-year history. Yet, that position must now be balanced. Because the prior equilibrium could no longer be maintained, you must now achieve that equilibrium, “Khan explained.

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