Islamabad: Commonwealth Observer Group Reacts to Pakistan’s 2024 General Elections

Sat Feb 10 2024
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ISLAMABAD: The Commonwealth Observer Group (COG) extends appreciation for the invitation to observe Pakistan’s General Elections. The Group undertook its mission with impartiality, non-interference, and independence, adhering to established principles of international election observation. While the electoral process is ongoing, this interim statement presents preliminary findings.


Pre-election Environment:

Despite challenges and delays, the Election Commission of Pakistan (ECP) demonstrated significant efforts in logistical preparations, fostering a semblance of efficiency amidst constraints.

The ECP faced security threats, resulting in unfortunate incidents. The Group condemns such attacks and applauds polling and security officials for ensuring safety, underscoring resilience in adversity.

Adverse weather conditions, including snow, posed challenges for voters and logistical operations, highlighting the need for adaptive strategies amidst natural constraints.

The 2024 General Elections occurred within a reformed legal framework, yet areas for improvement exist, necessitating continued alignment with constitutional values.

While progress was made in reducing the gender gap in registered voters, challenges persist in ensuring women and minority community participation, emphasizing the imperative of inclusive governance.


Reports of intimidation and violence against candidates highlight the need for a conducive electoral environment, calling for robust safeguards to protect democratic processes.

Instances of biased media coverage and restrictions on internet access during Election Day raise concerns regarding freedom of expression, signaling the importance of media integrity in fostering informed citizenship.

Engagement with political parties and media requires enhancement for transparency and inclusivity, emphasizing the pivotal role of stakeholder dialogue in fostering trust.

Efforts to improve election management processes through EMS are noted, despite operational challenges, emphasizing the significance of technological innovation in enhancing electoral integrity.

Election Day Observations:

Pre-poll procedures and opening of polls: Generally smooth, with minor delays, reflecting meticulous planning amidst logistical complexities.

Voter Turnout: Increased significantly throughout the day, underscoring civic engagement amidst diverse challenges.

Role of Polling Staff and Procedures: Mostly professional, though procedural lapses observed, necessitating ongoing training and capacity-building initiatives.

Participation and Inclusion: Active involvement of youth and dedicated facilities for women and persons with disabilities noted, exemplifying strides towards inclusive electoral practices.


Security: Visible and diligent, ensuring a peaceful polling environment, reaffirming the importance of security agencies in safeguarding democratic processes.

Results Management: Efforts at transparency commendable, despite challenges in results transmission, highlighting the resilience of electoral institutions amidst evolving circumstances.

The Group calls for patience and restraint during the results process and urges candidates to address disputes through prescribed mechanisms, fostering confidence in democratic institutions.

This interim statement provides initial observations; a comprehensive final report with detailed recommendations will be submitted subsequently.

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