Covid-19 claims another life in Pakistan

Fri Apr 07 2023
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ISLAMABAD: Though the infections remained steady, the Covid-19 pandemic has taken another life in Pakistan during the last 24 hours (Thursday).

The statistics the National Institute of Health (NIH) released on Friday morning reported 53 new cases of Corona Virus with a 1.37 per cent of positivity ratio.

According to the NIH data, the death toll in the country went up to 30,652 after adding another fatality. In contrast, the number of infections soared to 1,580,021 after adding the new 53 cases.

During the last 24 hours (Thursday), 3,863 tests were conducted throughout Pakistan, whereas the positivity ratio stood at 1.37 per cent and 13 patients in critical care nationwide.

The highest positivity ratio was reported in Islamabad with 2.21 per cent, and the capital reported 11 new cases and 453 tests were conducted to detect the virus.

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