Critical Developing Situation in Middle East

Fri Jan 05 2024
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Yousaf Khan

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Middle East occupies center stage in global politics due to its huge energy reservoirs. 53% oil and 50% gas reserves of the world are in the Middle East. Saudi Arabia, UAE, Qatar and Kuwait hold maximum resources and are richest countries in the region, surrounded by war ravaged countries like Iraq, Syria, Yemen and Lebanon.

Exxon Mobil

World biggest oil companies, Exxon-Mobil, B.P p.l.c. and Chevron are operating in the Middle East since last one hundred years. Saudi Aramco, oil company is the biggest oil and gas company in the world, which produces 13 million barrels of oil per day. During last year net profit of Aramco was $161 billion, which is way beyond other oil companies in the region.

Status quo in middle east will only suit US to maintain its supremacy in the region. Sole super power in the world could not afford another blow to their global supremacy. The war between Israel-Palestine is the outcome of diplomatic shift in middle east countries. Major shift in foreign policies do bring tectonic in countries involved in change.

Israel-Palestine war

Since end of cold war, US has been a dominant player in Middle East politics. A combination of disturbances, uprising and civil wars in the regions, shale energy revolution and rivalry between US and China has gradually transformed the geo-politics of Middle East. US stepped back from diplomatic leadership in the region and vacuum had been suddenly filled by China. The first outcome of post US exist from middle east was China and Russia role to get Iran and other nations closer. It was highly unexpected development which reflects the change of strategy by oil rich nations in the region. It was also a shift in Chinese foreign policy, to intervene in regional conflicts. It was indeed a big leap forward in many ways and it will have a positive impact on regional trade and security situation. has reported that a costly media campaign in favor of Israel has started. The amount approximately $50 million has been collected through donations by a US real estate tycoon Barry Sternlicht and few Hollywood producers. The campaign has been named ‘facts for peace’.

The massive global protests against Israel and US have forced both countries to adopt deep fake techniques to persuade people around the globe to cool their anger.

After improvements in relations among Middle Eastern states, another development was the Israel-Palestine war. Few Middle Eastern states like Jordan and others are playing in-between US influence and China’s trade partner.

US has been countering Iran via supporting Israel while Iran supports Hezbollah, which has been declared terrorist by the US.

Improved ties among Middle Eastern states have ushered a new era of brotherhood and partnership among Muslim countries across the globe. Pakistan has been trying to have better relations with Iran, but it could not be done at the cost of relations with other regional states.

Iran is an important state in the global and regional matters in terms of geo-strategic location, energy resources and security matters. Iran does not only connect Middle East with South Asia but also joins it with Central Asia via Turkmenistan.

Chabahar Port
Chabahar Port

The development of Iran’s Chabahar port is a cornerstone of its multilayered strategy to extend its influence across region. India sought to develop the port in order to bypass Pakistan, thereby, gaining access to Afghanistan and Central Asia. Chabahar port also provides access to international waters. Chabahar is only 72 km away from Gwadar port and strategically aims to limit the Chinese influence.

The web of inter-state relationship as well as energy and trade interest has made the situation more complex than anticipated. Two choke points on periphery of middle east, one in Bab al-Mandeb and other in strait of Hormuz are corner stone of global trade route. Bab al-Mandeb is already under Houthis’ attack and sea trade has already been disrupted. Next few weeks will be more crucial for the evolving situation the Middle East.

Yousaf Khan

The writer is defense analyst for Middle East and South East Asia

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