Crush These Human Traffickers

Tue Feb 28 2023
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Syed Mudassir

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Naveed Miraj

Whether it is due to a policing failure or traffickers successfully exploiting the unemployment and economic situation of the country, human trafficking, unfortunately, is on the rise because of which reports are regularly coming about the deaths of illegal immigrants either in boat sinking or bus crash incidents in the regions that are the gateway to the European countries. It is also unknown how many of them land in prison for not possessing valid documents.

In the latest what could be called a very painful and horrific incident, about forty Pakistani illegal immigrants, amongst many others, were killed when their overloaded boat sank in stormy seas off Italy’s southern Calabria region. The very incident is yet another manifestation that human traffickers are roaming freely and continue to exploit poor people. Everybody from the level of Prime Minister to the Interior Minister has voiced their concerns over the boat tragedy, but these words of concern or sympathy can neither provide solace to the bereaved families nor will it address the issue; rather, practical steps are required to be taken on the ground to save the youth from the cruel clutches of human traffickers if we indeed are interested in averting Italy’s boat-like tragedy in the future.

FIA, European, Prime Minister, Coordinate, Border, crush

In our country, the problem of human trade and trafficking is multi-dimensional in nature and needs to be tackled on different fronts. The victims of trafficking are either lured by better job prospects or kidnapped. In some cases, women and children are sold by their parents, guardians, and husbands. Sometimes girls are sold after fake marriages or deceived into illegal cross-border migration. Human traffickers use both frequented and unfrequented routes along the 900-kilometre-long porous Pak-Iran border to transport illegal immigrants to Iran and then onward destinations to Turkey and European countries. We have no doubt in saying that this trafficking, either of humans or drugs, is not possible without the connivance and active support of elements from within the FIA and border security forces. Hence, purging the FIA and border security force from such black sheeps is essential to curb the menace of human trafficking. These elements are as much responsible for this crime as the human traffickers, and they should be awarded the same punishment as is envisioned for the human traffickers in the law. The noose can be tightened against these criminals by strictly implementing relevant laws.

Unmistakably, human trafficking is both an issue of human rights and a larger threat to national security. This necessitates that human trafficking networks must be uprooted using counter-terrorism resources and intelligence.


The greater coordination amongst governments and the private sector in preventing and fighting all forms of trafficking has become the need of the hour. In this regard, increased cooperation with Iran is essential.

It is also important to create awareness amongst youth about the risks involved to their lives in illegal travelling to other countries. Youth must understand that human traffickers rob their pockets and put their lives at great risk by resorting to illegal means. There is a great demand for skilled workforce in Europe and many other countries, and the youth should equip themselves with the right skills and training to go there legally and secure a job. Responsibility rests with the government to create an environment where our youth can respectably earn livelihoods at home and abroad.

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