Crying For Peace, But Opposing Military Action Against Terrorists

Tue Jul 30 2024
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Haq Nawaz Khan

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There is a commitment to eradicate terrorism in any form, but this could be possible with the full backing of the political leadership across the dividing line. There are several issues in politics and politicians could do that. There is unity in fighting this menace to have peace.

There is clarity in the policy to fight terrorism and extremism of all kinds in the country. No more ambiguity is there at the government level on the subject of establishing peace and security.

There is a cue and cry by some groups including political parties to have lasting peace, but oppose the government’s action to end the menace of terrorism. Then how could peace be restored? The one option is to fight the terrorists till wiping them out or secondly, have a peace deal on their conditions. The second option was used in the past but it ended with more destruction.

The government is committed to eradicating terrorism at any cost, but there should be political ownership of such policies. The issue is not as easy as perceived by some people. The enemy is within and perpetrators are across the frontiers. A national action plan is needed to fight those, who are challenging security and convince or reintegrate those, who are misled or trapped in this war ideology.

Running With the Hare, And Hunting with The Hounds Is Fit for The Confused Political Class

Some groups are running with the hare, and hunting with the hounds. There could be no success in this renewed fight without the support of the people. There has been a useless debate in the country about whether this war against terrorism is ours’ or someone else.

Under the Azm-e-Istehkam Pakistan policy, it was made clear that the security forces are taking action against the terrorist groups without any discrimination.

The government is facing multiple challenges; at the security level and political front. The challenges by the terrorist outfits are being fought by the security forces based on intelligence information.

However, this is much more challenging on the political front, as some politicians and vested interest groups are trying to mislead the people. They may achieve their political advantages in the short run, but this could seriously affect parts of the country.

A series of campaigns for peace have been launched in the name of ‘Passion’ or uprising to resist actions against the terrorists and their facilitators in the militancy-hit regions of Khyber Pakhtunkhwa and Baluchistan. Ironically, they are demanding of having peace, but criticizing the security forces for their action against the terrorist groups.

What Could Be The Way Out To Have Peace?

What is the issue then, if everyone wants peace and stability? Let them have a national dialogue on the issue and seek suggestions from those groups about the restoration of peace. If there are some workable suggestions, the government should listen to them. If they are only mobilizing the people against the government and its institutions, then this could help to identify such elements.

In a recent meeting of the Apex Committee in Peshawar, it was made clear that the security forces have been taking indiscriminate action against the armed groups, pretending to be pro-government or good Taliban. 17 armed guards along with former militant commanders were arrested and their offices were sealed by the Bannu police. The message is loud and clear to everyone.

Another issue of Azm-e-Istehkam has been clarified again there would be no military operations in parts of the Khyber Pakhtunkhwa as the militants have no control or influence there.

Since the last Apex Committee presided over by the prime minister, where the new approach to curb terrorism and extremism under Azm-e-Istehkam, a campaign has been launched that the security forces would launch full-fledged military operations in the different districts. The security forces have time and again clarified that no such plan is under review.

According to the official reports, there have been 80-100 Intelligence-based operations daily in the country. These operations are ongoing in the militancy-hit districts of Khyber Pakhtunkhwa. This is not something new but the intelligence-based information, security forces take targeted action against the militants and their facilitators.

Pakistan is blaming that the Afghanistan land is being used against Pakistan by the terrorist groups, have bases and centers across the Afghan border. Recently, a Pakistani terrorist group led by Hafiz Gul Bahadar based in Afghanistan claimed responsibility for the deadly attack on the Bannu cantonment where 8 soldiers were killed and dozens of others injured including civilians.

Pakistan has taken up the issue with the Afghan Taliban to take action against the perpetrators of the attack. Pakistani summoned the deputy ambassador of the Taliban in Islamabad on the issue. However, there is no positive response from Kabul as yet. There is just a denial as usual.

There has been an unprecedented surge in some of the terrorist attacks in Pakistan from the Afghan side and even some Afghan nationals were found involved in several attacks. The bilateral ties between Pakistan and Afghanistan have deteriorated due to the cross-border tension. Pakistan shares a nearly 2600 kilometers long border with Afghanistan, which makes it difficult to check infiltrations. Afghanistan needs to consider Pakistan’s repeated calls to stop its land be used against other countries.

With the newly announced Azm-e-Istehkam Policy, Afghanistan could play a positive role in having peace in the region. If the security threat from the Afghan side is not neutralized, then Pakistan may use whatever options, it has to bring stability to the country.

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