Daesh Militants Kill 8 Syrian Soldiers

Mon Apr 01 2024
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BEIRUT: Daesh militants have killed eight Syrian soldiers after an ambush, a war monitor said Sunday.

Daesh who overran large areas of Syria and Iraq in 2014, announcing its caliphate and launching a reign of terror was defeated territorially in Syria in 2019.

Despite its defeat its remnants continue to conduct deadly attacks, especially in the vast Badia desert which starts from the outskirts of Damascus and goes all the way to the Iraqi border.

The Syrian Observatory for Human Rights monitor that Daesh announced execution of eight members of the Syrian forces including an officer.

The Syrian troops were heading from Sukhna toward the Deir Ezzor city when they were attacked, said the Observatory.

Since the beginning of the year, more than 200 soldiers and other affiliated fighters have been killed in attacks of Daesh or explosions and ambushes the Syrian desert by the militant group.

According to the Observatory Jihadist attacks have killed at least 37 civilians during the same time, while army soldiers and affiliated fighters have killed 24 Daesh militants.

Last week, the monitor said a Daesh attack in north of Syria claimed the lives of at least 11 people who were searching for desert truffles.

As United Nations report in January Daesh’s combined strength in Iraq and Syria was believed to be between 3,000 and 5,000.

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