Danish Parliament Prohibits Quran Desecration: Pakistan’s Foreign Minister Applauds ‘Prudent Decision’

Fri Dec 08 2023
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ISLAMABAD: Caretaker Foreign Minister Jalil Abbas Jilani has lauded the Danish parliament’s recent decision to pass a bill prohibiting the desecration of the Holy Quran.

In a social media post on X, Minister Jilani expressed his approval, deeming it a “prudent decision” and expressing hope that other European nations would follow suit by enacting similar legislation.

The foreign minister emphasized that the desecration of holy books from any faith goes against the fundamental principles of all religions, even when claimed under the banner of freedom of speech. The legislation approved by the Danish parliament aims to effectively ban Quran burnings in the northern European country. Offenders could potentially face up to two years in jail as a consequence.

The bill secured 94 votes in favor among the 179-member Danish parliament, signaling a significant step toward protecting religious sentiments and fostering religious harmony.

Minister Jilani’s positive response reflects the hope that such measures will encourage a broader commitment to respecting religious sanctities across Europe.

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