Dar Firmly Denies Efforts to Scrap 18th Amendment

Tue Nov 21 2023
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ISLAMABAD: Leader of the House in Senate Ishaq Dar on Tuesday categorically dismissed the reports about removing the 18th Amendment from the Constitution.

During the Senate Session, Dar stated that the 18th Amendment had helped restore the Constitution which had suffered under dictatorial regimes. He recalled his active role, along with PPP leader Raza Rabbani, in the formulation of this landmark amendment.

Senator Ishaq Dar mentioned that the May 13, 2006, Charter of Democracy included an agenda to reinstate the 73rd Constitution. He reiterated that the issue at hand is not the 18th Amendment but rather financial matters related to the 2009 National Finance Commission (NFC) Award.

Dar explained that the provinces have not fulfilled their responsibilities under the NFC Award, and he highlighted the concerning situation in Balochistan, where more than 350 schools are closed due to a lack of teachers. He expressed disappointment over the failure to address these issues.

He further mentioned that various political parties, including the Pakistan Muslim League-N, the Pakistan Peoples’ Party (PPP) and others, had signed the Charter of Democracy. The decision to undertake constitutional reforms was made to correct the distorted shape of the constitution.

Dar concluded by stating that the real challenges for Pakistan lie in healthcare, education, and the well-being of the population. He urged the provinces to take concrete actions in these areas. He emphasized that the debate on the end of the 18th Amendment is not new and is an old discussion. The focus should be on ensuring that provinces effectively utilize their human resources for development, he added.

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