Dar sees Pakistan’s future bright despite different challenges

Fri Mar 17 2023
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ISLAMABAD: Leader of the House in the Senate and Finance Minister, Muhammad Ishaq Dar, said on Friday that while Pakistan is facing various challenges, nothing can prevent the country from progressing and developing.

In his concluding remarks at a special commemorative session called to mark the Senate of Pakistan’s golden jubilee, he stated that, despite current challenges, he sees a bright future for Pakistan ahead. He further said that it is his faith and belief that Allah Almighty will protect Pakistan in the name of Kalma (Laa ilaaha illal Lahoo Muhammadur Rasool Ullah) (S.A.W). He stated that the Upper House had witnessed for the past three days, celebrating Pakistan’s flourishing democratic system and traditions. He went on to say that throughout the proceedings, he witnessed peace, sobriety, discipline, decency, and tolerance.

Challenges and mutual respect

The finance minister stated that the Upper House witnessed mutual respect and kindness during the three special session proceedings. He stated that these are the founding pillars of a decent parliamentary democratic system, and he wished and sincerely hoped that this culture, which all witnessed in 3 days of celebration on the august floor of this house, would continue to prevail in the future.

Ishaq Dar also praised Senate Chairman Muhammad Sadiq Sanjrani for organizing such a large-scale event to commemorate Pakistan’s Senate’s 50th anniversary. He stated that the Upper House had become more dynamic, vibrant, and progressive under the leadership of Senate Chairman, in accordance with international parliamentary standards. The minister stated that the Chairman of the Senate’s administrative and policy actions have strengthened the federation, Parliament, democracy, and governance.

He believed that open debate among participants in the special session called to commemorate the golden jubilee had restored public trust and confidence in the parliamentary democratic system. He also paid tribute to former Senate chairmen and deputy Chairmen, saying their contributions to strengthening the Upper House and democracy would be remembered forever.

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