Deadlock on Temporary Budget Agreement: US Govt Hours from Shutdown, Funding Chaos

Sat Sep 30 2023
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WASHINGTON: The United States government teeters on the brink of a shutdown, with critical services and international aid programs hanging in the balance. The impasse arises from opposition within the Republican Party, specifically its far-right faction, thwarting efforts to pass a temporary budget agreement. The potential shutdown, set to commence after midnight on Saturday, could have far-reaching consequences, affecting federal employees’ salaries, military personnel, and public access to national parks.

This impending closure, the first since 2019, reflects the deadlock in Congress. A group of House Republicans opposes stopgap measures, intensifying the internal discord within the party, particularly in the lead-up to the 2024 elections, where former President Donald Trump aims for a return to the White House.

Efforts to avert a shutdown are still underway, with hopes hinging on Republicans resolving their internal divisions. The White House remains committed to avoiding a shutdown, emphasizing the need for interparty dialogue to reach a resolution. President Joe Biden, seeking a second term in 2024, has refrained from direct intervention, urging discussions among party members to address the crisis.

The potential shutdown threatens various government services, including the closure of national parks and delays in student loan payments. Although critical services will continue to function, a prolonged shutdown could disrupt the economy, causing air travel delays and hindering infrastructure improvements. Experts warn that the shutdown could undermine the country’s credibility as a commercial partner, affecting trade functions and export control enforcement capabilities.

Moreover, the political turmoil is overshadowing the Biden administration’s policy of supporting Ukraine in its struggle against the Russian invasion. Republican hardliners, pivotal in derailing the new budget, are keen on halting aid to Ukraine, raising concerns about the continuity of this assistance. While the majority of Republican members of Congress support aid for Ukraine, the shutdown poses questions regarding the political feasibility of renewing the substantial flow of assistance to the country.

As the deadline approaches, the nation waits to see if lawmakers can find common ground and prevent a potentially damaging government shutdown. The stakes are high, impacting both domestic services and international commitments, and the urgency to find a resolution is paramount.

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