Deadly Heat in US, Mexico Made 35 Times More likely by Climate Change

Thu Jun 20 2024
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WASHINGTON: The recent deadly heat that enveloped the United States, Mexico, and Central America was made 35 times more likely due to global warming, an international network of climate scientists said on Thursday.

According to the World Weather Attribution (WWA) group, the extreme temperatures experienced in this region during May and June are now four times as likely to occur compared to 25 years ago.

This record-breaking heatwave claimed at least 125 lives in Mexico and caused thousands to suffer from heat strokes, a potentially fatal condition resulting from the failure of the body’s internal cooling mechanisms. “We probably don’t yet fully grasp the extent of heat-related deaths, as these are typically confirmed and reported months after the event, if at all,” said the WWA. The group employs peer-reviewed methods to assess the connection between specific extreme events and global warming.

The scientists noted that continued fossil fuel combustion and the resultant emission of climate-heating greenhouse gases will expose millions more to dangerous heat levels in the future. This year has been the hottest on record, with vast areas already facing blistering temperatures even before the northern hemisphere summer began.

Greece has experienced its earliest-ever heatwave, India endured a month-long period of extreme highs, and the United States is grappling with wildfires and scorching conditions.

For its study, the WWA analyzed the five hottest consecutive days and nights during a “heat dome” that hovered over the southwestern United States, Mexico, Guatemala, Belize, El Salvador, and Honduras in late May and early June.

Using climate models, the scientists have pioneered methods to understand how such extreme events have changed in a world that is 1.2 degrees Celsius warmer than in pre-industrial times.

They found that human-induced warming from burning fossil fuels made the five-day maximum temperature event about 1.4 degrees hotter and approximately 35 times more likely. WWA cautioned that if fossil fuel burning continues in the near term, such extremes could become even more frequent.

“The additional 1.4C of heat caused by climate change could have been the difference between life and death for many people during May and June,” said Karina Izquierdo, urban advisor for the Latin American and Caribbean region at the Red Cross Climate Centre.

She emphasized that, in addition to reducing emissions, governments and cities must take measures to become more resilient to heat.

Experts warn that heat is the deadliest form of extreme weather, often underestimated, and particularly dangerous for children, the elderly, and outdoor workers.

In Mexico and Central America, the effects of heat are exacerbated by poor housing conditions, limited access to cooling services, and the challenges faced by those living in informal settlements.

Scientists suggested that extreme heat warning systems and action plans could enhance Central America’s preparedness for such events, with safety measures needed to protect outdoor workers. Additionally, green spaces and improved infrastructure in informal settlements would help protect the most vulnerable, according to the WWA.

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