Deadly Heat Wave Strains Infrastructure, Transportation in US

Thu Aug 24 2023
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AUSTIN: The ongoing deadly heat wave and extreme temperatures in the central US have strained infrastructure and transportation, reported western media on Thursday.

A national weather service official told media that scorching heat could lead to deaths in some states as more harsh weather is expected in coming days.

The harsh heat wave has broken all records, damaged roads and water lines while temperature in some cities reached at triple digits in August. At least 25 people died due to extreme heat this summer in Louisiana.

Deadly Heat Wave Strains Infrastructure, Transportation in US

Alex Lamers, official of National Weather Service’s Weather Prediction Center has warned the heat is expected to become more dangerous for an average person.

Experts warn infrastructure like roads can be damaged under the extreme strain of heat waves brought on by climate change.

The road maintenance and replacement cost in the US could touch $26.3 billion by 2040 due to rising temperatures. According to a 2017 study by University of Arizona and Arizona State University researchers most of the damage due to heat is expected in Texas, California and Illinois.

Read Also: Spain Witnessing Massive Heat Waves

The heat has already damaged water line and roadways in Texas. The officials in the state are monitoring the heat, roadways as quickly as possible.  Houston’s high temperatures and a lack of rain have damaged the city’s old pipes.

San Antonio Water Systems has already recorded more breaks this month than July. Customers have been asked to cut back outdoor watering.

Corey King, an emergency response specialist with the National Weather Service in Bismarck has said cool air mass, clouds and rain helped bring temperatures down in some parts of US but warm weather is likely to prevail in the coming days.

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