Defence Minister Criticizes FBR’s SIM Blocking Policy to Combat Tax Evasion

Thu May 23 2024
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ISLAMABAD: Pakistan’s Federal Defense Minister Khawaja Asif on Thursday criticized the Federal Board of Revenue’s (FBR) policy of mobile phone SIM cards blocking and termed it as useless.

In a tweet on his social media account, Khawaja Asif said that blocking mobile SIMs of tax evaders will not have much impact.

He gave an example of the cigarette industry and noted that tax evasion in the cigarette industry is more than Rs300 billion annually.

Khwaja Asif said that countering huge tax evasion by blocking SIMs is like treatment of a “severe disease with a Panadol tablet”.

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These pampering actions are actually dishonesty and war should be declared against tax evaders, the minister added.

He also said that to avoid taxes on phones, people use mobile phones on WiFi without mobile phone SIMs.

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