Dragon Festival Releases Fail to Impress at China Box Office

Tue Jun 11 2024
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BEIJING: Hopes are quite high on upcoming releases, including highly predicted titles, to bolster the Chinese summer box office after the Dragon Festival holiday ended with weak gains on Monday.

According to box office tracker Maoyan on Tuesday teen comedy “Be My Friend” topped the Chinese mainland box office over the three-day Duanwu Festival holiday, grossing around 10.12 million U.S. dollars.

The holiday’s total box office revenue stood at 53 million U.S. dollars which is the third lowest for this period in the past decade, only surpassing the figures of 2022 and 2020.

In a research note to Chinese media, Zhang Tong, a senior analyst at the Maoyan Research Institute, linked the disappointing figures to a lack of commercial blockbusters like last year’s thriller “Lost in the Stars.”

Duanwu Festival is a major Chinese event, also known as Dragon Boat Festival.

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