Dry Weather Likely in Most Parts of Pakistan

Fri Oct 13 2023
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ISLAMABAD: Over the course of the next 12 hours, the majority of the country is likely to experience dry weather.

However, specific regions are expected to encounter various weather patterns, including rain with wind and thunderstorms, as well as snowfall over high mountains. Here’s a detailed forecast for different areas:

In upper Khyber Pakhtunkhwa, Islamabad, the Potohar region, Gilgit-Baltistan, and Kashmir, residents can expect rain accompanied by wind and thunderstorms. Moreover, high-altitude areas are likely to witness snowfall during this time.

As for the morning temperatures recorded in key cities across Pakistan:

  • Islamabad experienced a temperature of seventeen degrees Celsius.
  • Lahore saw a mild morning temperature of twenty-two degrees Celsius.
  • Karachi had a warm start with a temperature of twenty-eight degrees Celsius.
  • Peshawar began the day at twenty degrees Celsius.
  • Quetta recorded a cooler temperature of fourteen degrees Celsius.
  • Gilgit started the day at nine degrees Celsius.
  • Murree’s morning temperature was thirteen degrees Celsius.
  • Muzaffarabad had a morning temperature of sixteen degrees Celsius.

Turning our attention to the weather forecast for the Indian Illegally Occupied Jammu and Kashmir region:

  • Srinagar, Leh, Pulwama, and Anantnag are likely to experience partly cloudy weather with rain, wind, and thunderstorms.
  • Conversely, Jammu, Shopian, and Baramula are expected to have partly cloudy and dry weather.

Morning temperatures recorded in Indian Illegally Occupied Jammu and Kashmir were as follows:

  • Srinagar, Pulwama, and Baramula started the day at eleven degrees Celsius.
  • Jammu experienced a relatively warmer morning at eighteen degrees Celsius.
  • Leh had a chilly start with a morning temperature of two degrees Celsius.
  • Anantnag and Shopian both began the day at ten degrees Celsius.


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