Egypt Reiterates Strong Support for Yemen’s Stability, Security, Unity

Wed Jun 26 2024
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CAIRO: Egyptian Foreign Minister Sameh Shoukry reaffirmed Egypt’s strong support for Yemen during his meeting with Yemeni counterpart Shaya Mohsin Zindani on Wednesday.

Shoukry emphasized Egypt’s backing for efforts aimed at achieving a comprehensive political solution to the Yemeni crisis and ending its humanitarian plight.

He underscored Egypt’s support for Yemen’s unity, institutions, independence, and territorial integrity, highlighting the crucial role of Yemen’s security and stability in the Red Sea region.

Shoukry expressed Egypt’s keenness to enhance cooperation with Yemen in infrastructure development and human resource rehabilitation. He also discussed Egypt’s ongoing efforts to provide assistance to the Yemeni people, particularly through medical and food aid.

Additionally, Egypt’s role in hosting a significant number of Yemeni citizens and ensuring their essential needs were also highlighted.

Both ministers expressed concerns over ongoing tensions in the Red Sea, particularly regarding navigation and trade security in the Suez Canal. They also reviewed recent developments in the region, including Somalia, Sudan, Syria, and Libya.

The ministers also discussed the severe humanitarian crisis in the Gaza Strip.

Shoukry reiterated Egypt’s opposition to Israel’s control over the Rafah crossing from the Palestinian side, which has hindered humanitarian aid flows.

He criticized Israel’s actions in Gaza, linking them to tensions in the West Bank and Jerusalem, and accused the Israeli government of fostering a hostile environment for Palestinians.

He warned against escalating tensions, cautioning that it could further destabilize the region and threaten security.

The Yemeni minister expressed deep appreciation for Egypt’s supportive stance.

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